Ragne Kõuts-Klemm wrote about data literacy among journalists

Our researcher Ragne Kõuts-Klemm wrote an article published in Central European Journal of Communication. The article talked about data literacy among journalists: a skills-assessment based approach.

Datafication brings with it the challenges for journalists to fulfill their historical role as mediators of social processes to their audiences. Journalism has been a rather humanistic field, where journalists tell stories, but do not deal with the analysis and interpretation of numbers. For the current study a methodological tool was developed to measure data literacy among journalists in Estonia. The study confirms that data literacy is acknowledged by journalists as a requirement of future journalism, but their actual skills are still low. Journalists feel more comfortable with data presented in familiar forms. There is a strong tendency that data literacy develops when the skills needed for data processing are in actual use.

Read more: http://cejc.wuwr.pl/product/-11080

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