Exhibition of the Master's Programme "Disinformation and Societal Resilience"

Desinformatsiooni ja ühiskondliku toimepidevuse õppekava tudengite portreed
Darja Maskin

Last year, we launched the first English-language curriculum at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Tartu: "Disinformation and Societal Resilience." The programme prepares specialists who gain a deep understanding of the causes behind the disinformation and its dissemination, equipping them to counter influence operations and, in turn, support the integrity of democratic societies.

After a year of intensive studies, diving into both the brighter and darker depths of the information environment, and enriching exchange of experiences, we asked the students why they believe the fight against disinformation is crucial and what motivated international students to study so far from home. Based on the students’ responses, we created an exhibition. It showcases the students not only as advocates for information resilience but also as ordinary people who, after long days at the university, watch TV shows, sing, read, and sew. You can discover the multifaceted portraits of the students on the second floor of the institute's study building and on our website.

Exhibition Designer: Maarja Roosi

View the exhibition online

A recording of the information session for the Master's Programme "Disinformation and Societal Resilience" is available on YouTube.

Admission to the programme lasts until 15 March 2025.

Learn more about the curriculum

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