Johannes Voltri's public lecture „How Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania counter Russian disinfo? Comparing approaches“

On 10 June, from 10:15 to 11:45, Johannes Voltri, journalist at Estonian National Broadcasting, will give a public lecture „How Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania counter Russian disinfo? Comparing approaches“, in Room 203 at Lossi 36.

Research into information influence has mainly focused on the prevalence and causes of mis- and disinformation. Less attention has been given to understanding what policies democratic governments could actually adopt to counter information influence. Johannes Voltri is sharing his insight into how Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania actually countered Russian information influence before the Russian-Ukrainian war. He highlights that Latvia and Lithuania actively regulated their media environments whilst Estonia focused on developing Russian-language public media. He also delves into the differences in the setup of stratcom and integrating media literacy in education.

Johannes Voltri is a journalist working for the Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR). He works for both radio, web and television, focusing mostly on politics. Prior to ERR, Voltri interned at the Press and Media section of NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, where he was involved in media engagement and monitoring. Voltri defended his master’s degree European-Russia studies at the University of Tartu.

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