Lossi 36 computer class

The computer class in room 116 at Lossi 36 has 24 computers.

The computer class is usually open from 10 am to 7 pm on Mon-Fri

During coursework, the computer class is unavailable for free use (see table below).

Among others, the following programs can be used in the computer class: SPSS 27 + Amos, IEA IDBAnalyzer, R + Rstudio, Lisrel, Nesstar Publisher 4, Stata/IC 14, Tableau 2020.3, RIKS and Urram, Panopto. On computer (computer no. 5) has MLwiN. All computers have the necessary software for using an ID-card.

It is possible to print documents at the computer class (black-and-white page – 5 cents, cash payment only). Printing is only available when the class is not being used for coursework.

There is a printer-scanner-copier in the corridor outside the computer class which can be used for printing and copying without supervision during the times when the building is open. Printing is enabled through the Print In City service from Overall. Use of the service requires an Estonian ID-ticket and ID-card (or personalised public transport card). More information on the tickets can be found on the website www.pilet.ee (choose “cloud-based printing” in the menu on the left)

Computer class availability on week 8 (21. - 25.10.2024) (NB! The below table is subject to change, depending on classes being cancelled or added)

Available for free use12-1910-1912-1916-1910-19


Computer class availability on week 9 (28.10. - 1.11.2024)

Available for free use 


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