Doctoral theses

  1. Epp Lauk "Historical and sociological perspectives on the development of Estonian journalism", 1997
  2. Triin Vihalemm "Formation of collective identity among russophone population of Estonia", 1999
  3. Veronika Kalmus "School textbooks in the field of socialisation. Kooliõpikud sotsialisatsiooniväljal", 2003
  4. Margit Keller "Representations of consumer culture in post-soviet Estonia: transformations and tensions", 2004
  5. Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt "Information technology users and uses within the different layers of the information environment in Estonia", 2006
  6. Kairi Kõlves "Estonians and Russian minority s suicides and suicide risk factors: studies on aggregate and individual level", 2006
  7. Anu Masso "Constitution of personal social space in a transition society", 2008
  8. Kristina Reinsalu "The implementation of Internet democracy in Estonian local governments", 2009
  9. Andra Siibak "Self-presentation of the "Digital Generation" in Estonia", 2009
  10. Pille Runnel "The transformation of the Internet usage practices in Estonia", 2009
  11. Tõnu Tender "Mitmekeelsus Eestis Euroopa Liidu mitmekeelsuse ideaali taustal" ["Multilinguisme en Estonie au fond de l'idéal du multilinguisme de l’Union Européen"], 2010
  12. Roosmarii Kurvits "Eesti ajalehtede välimus 1806 - 2005" ["The visual form of Estonian newspapers from 1806 to 2005"], 2010
  13. Kadri Ugur "Implementation of the concept of media education in the Estonian formal education system", 2010
  14. Kairi Kasearu "Structural changes or individual preferences? A study of unmarried cohabitation in Estonia", 2010
  15. Barbi Pilvre "Naiste meediarepresentatsioon Eesti ajakirjanduskultuuri ja ühiskonna kontekstis" ["Media representation of women in the context of Estonian journalist culture and society"], 2011
  16. Kertu Saks "The formation of editing culture and practice in Estonian newspapers 1988-2005", 2011
  17. Andres Jõesaar "EU media policy and survival of public service broadcasting in Estonia 1994-2010", 2011
  18. Tiiu Kreegipuu "The ambivalent role of Estonian press in implementation of the Soviet totalitarian project", 2011
  19. Marre Karu "Fathers and parental leave: slow steps towards dual earner/dual carer family model in Estonia", 2011
  20. Kadri Koreinik "Language ideologies in the contemporary Estonian public discourse: With a foucus on South Estonia", 2011
  21. Avo Trumm "Poverty in the context of societal transitions in Estonia", 2011
  22. Indrek Treufeldt ,,Ajakirjanduslik faktiloome erinevates ühiskondlikes tingimustes" ["Construction of Journalistic Facts in Different Societies"], 2012
  23. Maarja Siiner "Towards a more flexible language policy: a comparative analysis of language policy design in Denmark and Estonia", 2012
  24. Algi Samm "The relationship between perceived poor family communication and suicidal ideation among adolescents in Estonia", 2012
  25. Taavi Tatsi "Transformations of museum-embedded cultural expertise", 2013
  26. Krista Lepik "Governmentality and cultural participation in Estonian public knowledge institutions", 2013
  27. Lukas Blinka "The "good" and the "bad" of the internet: Studying subjective well-being as an outcome of young people's online practices", 2013
  28. Tatjana Kiilo "Promoting teachers' efficacy through social constructivist language learning: challenges of accommodating structure and agency. The case of Russian-speaking teachers in Estonia", 2013
  29. Ragne Kõuts-Klemm "Media-connected society: the analysis of media content and usage patterns from a systems-theoretical perspective", 2013
  30. Maie Kiisel "Problems of critical analysis of communication of environmental issues and risks", 2013
  31. Ave Roots "Occupational and income mobility during post-socialist transformation of 1991-2004 in Estonia", 2013
  32. Marek Miil ,,Nõukogude propagandasüsteemi toimimine ajakirjanduse argipraktikate kaudu" ["Functioning of the Soviet Propaganda System Through Everyday Journalistic Practices"], 2014
  33. Katrin Kello "The functions and contexts of general education history teaching: social and professional representations in Estonia and Latvia", 2014
  34. Tarmo Strenze "Intelligence and socioeconomic success: A study of correlations, causes and consequences", 2015
  35. Maie Soll "The ethnic identity of Russian-speaking students in Estonia in the context of educational change", 2015
  36. Linda Lotina "Conceptualizing engagement modes: understanding museum – audience relationships in Latvian museums", 2016
  37. Andres Kõnno "The modelling of communication and its applications in a longitudinal research: examples of Estonian, Finnish and Russian journalism in the 20th century", 2016
  38. Olga Einasto "Academic library e-service quality and working user: conceptual model", 2016
  39. Mervi Raudsaar "Developments of social entrepreneurship in Estonia”, 2016
  40. Ero Liivik “Otsedemokraatia Eestis: õigussotsioloogilisi aspekte” [“Direct democracy in Estonia: legal sociological aspects”], 2017
  41. Maria Murumaa-Mengel ”Managing imagined audiences online: audience awareness as a part of social media literacies”, 2017
  42. Jan Richard Bærug ”The collapsing wall. Hybrid Journalism. A comparative study of newspapers and magazines in eight countries in Europe”, 2017
  43. Mai Beilmann ”Social capital and individualism–collectivism at the individual level”, 2017
  44. Agnese Karaseva ”Teacher professional agency in relation to digital technology integration in teaching in Estonian and Latvian schools”, 2017
  45. Rainer Reile "Self-rated health: assessment, social variance and association with mortality", 2017
  46. Kadi Lubi "The role of information search and interpretation in living with chronic illness. The case of Estonian Parkinson’s disease patients", 2017
  47. Katri Lamesoo "Social construction of sexual harassment in the post-Soviet context on the example of Estonian nurses”, 2017
  48. Andu Rämmer ,,Sotsiaalse tunnetuse muutused Eesti siirdeühiskonna kontekstis” ["Changes in the social cognition in the context of Estonian transformation society"], 2018
  49. Kadri Rootalu "Antecedents and consequences of divorce in Estonia from longitudinal and multigenerational perspectives”, 2018
  50. Marju Himma-Kadakas "Skill performance of Estonian online journalists: assessment model for newsrooms and research", 2018
  51. Kairi Talves "The dynamics of gender representations in the context of Estonian social transformations", 2018
  52. Johannes Saar ,,Hegemooniadiskursused eesti kultuuris. Eesti Kunstimuuseumi pressikommunikatsioon 2006–2015" ["Discourses of hegemony in Estonian culture: The press communication of the Art Museum of Estonia 2006–2015"], 2018
  53. Alessandro Nanì "Cross-media in public service broadcasting: the struggle between producers and audiences", 2018
  54. Signe Ivask "The role of routines, demands and resources in work stress among Estonian journalists", 2019
  55. Karmen Palts ,,Lastevanemate ja õpetajate vaheline kommunikatsioon Eesti esimese kooliastme näitel" ["Parent-Teacher Communication Exemplified by Estonian Primary Schools"], 2019
  56. Dagmar Narusson ,,Personaalset taastumist ja agentsust toetav klienditöö vaimse tervise ja sotsiaalse rehabilitatsiooni valdkonnas: vaimse tervise raskustega inimeste ja spetsialistide perspektiivid" ["Personal-recovery and agency-enhancing client work in the field of mental health and social rehabilitation: perspectives of persons with lived experience and specialists"], 2019
  57. Oliver Nahkur "Measurement of interpersonal destructiveness: the societal perspective", 2019
  58. Tiiu Männiste ,,Elukestev õpe ühiskonna pöördeaegadel" ["Lifelong Learning in a Transforming Society"], 2019
  59. Mari-Liisa Parder ,,Alkoholi tarvitamise ja olukorrapõhise hoidumise praktikate kommunikeerimine kui alkoholiennetuse baas Eesti teismeliste näitel” ["Communication of alcohol consumption practices and situational abstinence as a basis of prevention: a study of Estonian adolescents"], 2020
  60. Marianne Leppik "The segmented integration and mediated transnationalism of Estonian Russian-speaking populations", 2020
  61. Olena Nedozhogina "Identity construction of Russian-speaking Ukrainians after 2013-2014”, 2021
  62. Tayfun Kasapoglu "Algorithmic imaginaries of Syrian refugees: exploring hierarchical data relations from the perspective of refugees", 2021
  63. Tiia-Triin Truusa "The entangled gap: the male Estonian citizen and the interconnections between civilian and military spheres in society", 2021
  64. Kristjan Kikerpill "Crime-as-communication: detecting diagnostically useful information from the content and context of social engineering attacks", 2021
  65. Taavi Laanepere "Looking at the military service readiness of Estonian reserve soldiers through the prism of Bourdieu’s theory of practice", 2021
  66. Maris Männiste "Big data imaginaries of data pioneers: changed data relations and challenges to agency", 2022
  67. Kristiina Saks ,,Laste elumaailma meediastumine" ["Mediatisation of the lifeworld of children"], 2022
  68. Kadri Soo "School as a source of child subjective well-being in the framework of children’s rights: perspectives of children and young adults", 2023
  69. Hans Hõrak "Development of a computer vision-based privacy-preserving automatic observation method for measuring physical activity in school”, 2023
  70. Heidi Ann Erbsen ”The making of ‘Imagined Global Communities’: the ‘orientation’ and ‘orientalization’ of Russian speaking audiences”, 2023
  71. Marit Napp "The communicative construction of families: emerging trends in the age of deep mediatisation“, 2023
  72. Märt Masso "Employment relations in Estonia: employee control, participation and work accommodation in co-determining working conditions", 2024
  73. Viivika Eljand-Kärp ,,Tõhusad küsitlemispraktikad uudisintervjuudes. Ammendava teemakäsitluse saavutamine eksperdi- ja kogemusintervjuudes" [„Effective interviewing practices in news interviews. Achieving comprehensive topic coverage in expert and experience interviews”], 2024
  74. Simone Eelmaa „The social categorization of sexual abuse“, 2024
  75. Kristi Paron „Child-patient autonomy: interplay between normativity and relationality“, 2024
  76. Janar Pekarev „Military AI and autonomous weapon systems: an interdisciplinary exploration of ethical, legal, and sociological aspects“, 2024
  77. Anna-Kati Pahker "Measuring industrial modernity in comparative perspective, 19002020
  • Doctoral theses defended at universities abroad:

  1. Halliki Harro "Changing journalistic conventions in the press: empirical studies on daily newspapers under different political conditions in 20th century Estonia", University of Oslo, 2001.
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