Kaitstud doktoritööd meedia ja kommunikatsiooni ning sotsioloogia erialal
- Epp Lauk "Historical and Sociological Perspectives on the Development of Estonian Journalism", 1997
- Triin Vihalemm "Formation of Collective Identity among Russophone Population of Estonia", 1999
- Veronika Kalmus "School textbooks in the field of socialisation. Kooliõpikud sotsialisatsiooniväljal", 2003
- Margit Keller "Representations of Consumer Culture in Post-Soviet Estonia: Transformations and Tensions", 2004
- Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt "Information Technology Users and Uses within the Different Layers of the Information Environment in Estonia", 2006
- Kairi Kõlves "Estonians and Russian minority s suicides and suicide risk factors: studies on aggregate and individual level", 2006
- Anu Masso "Constitution of Personal Social Space in a Transition Society", 2008
- Kristina Reinsalu "The Implementation of Internet Democracy in Estonian Local Governments", 2009
- Andra Siibak "Self-presentation of the "Digital Generation" in Estonia", 2009
- Pille Runnel "The Transformation of the Internet Usage Practices in Estonia", 2009
- Tõnu Tender "Mitmekeelsus Eestis Euroopa Liidu mitmekeelsuse ideaali taustal", 2010
- Roosmarii Kurvits "Eesti ajalehtede välimus 1806 - 2005", 2010
- Kadri Ugur "Implementation of the concept of media education in the Estonian formal education system", 2010
- Kairi Kasearu "Structural changes or individual preferences? A study of unmarried cohabitation in Estonia", 2010
- Barbi Pilvre "Naiste meediarepresentatsioon Eesti ajakirjanduskultuuri ja ühiskonna kontekstis", 2011
- Kertu Saks "The formation of editing culture and practice in Estonian newspapers 1988-2005", 2011
- Andres Jõesaar "EU media policy and survival pf public service broadcasting in Estonia 1994-2010", 2011
- Tiiu Kreegipuu "The ambivalent role of Estonian press in implementation of the Soviet totalitarian project", 2011
- Marre Karu "Fathers and parental leave: slow steps towards dual earner/dual carer family model in Estonia", 2011
- Kadri Koreinik "Language ideologies in the contemporary Estonian public discourse: With a foucus on South Estonia", 2011
- Avo Trumm "Poverty in the context of societal transitions in Estonia", 2011
- Indrek Treufeldt "Ajakirjanduslik faktiloome erinevates ühiskondlikes tingimustes", 2012
- Maarja Siiner "Towards a more flexible language policy: a comparative analysis of language policy design in Denmark and Estonia", 2012
- Algi Samm "The relationship between perceived poor family communication and suicidal ideation among adolescents in Estonia", 2012
- Taavi Tatsi "Transformations of Museum-Embedded Cultural Expertise", 2013
- Krista Lepik "Governmentality and Cultural Participation in Estonian Public Knowledge Institutions", 2013
- Lukas Blinka "The "good" and the "bad" of the internet: Studying subjective well-being as an outcome of young people's online practices", 2013
- Tatjana Kiilo "Promoting teachers' efficacy through social constructivist language learning: challenges of accommodating structure and agency. The case of Russian-speaking teachers in Estonia", 2013
- Ragne Kõuts-Klemm "Media-connected society: the analysis of media content and usage patterns from a systems-theoretical perspective", 2013
- Maie Kiisel "Problems of critical analysis of communication of environmental issues and risks", 2013
- Ave Roots "Occupational and income mobility during post-socialist transformation of 1991-2004 in Estonia", 2013
- Marek Miil "Nõukogude propagandasüsteemi toimimine ajakirjanduse argipraktikate kaudu", 2014
- Katrin Kello "The functions and contexts of general education history teaching: social and professional representations in Estonia and Latvia", 2014
- Tarmo Strenze "Intelligence and socioeconomic success: A study of correlations, causes and consequences", 2015
- Maie Soll "The Ethnic Identity of Russian-speaking Students in Estonia in the Context of Educational Change", 2015
- Linda Lotina "Conceptualizing Engagement Modes: Understanding Museum – Audience Relationships in Latvian Museums", 2016
- Andres Kõnno "The modelling of communication and its applications in a longitudinal research: examples of Estonian, Finnish and Russian journalism in the 20th century", 2016
- Olga Einasto "Academic Library E-service Quality and Working User: Conceptual Model", 2016
- Mervi Raudsaar "Developments of social entrepreneurship in Estonia”, 2016
- Ero Liivik “Otsedemokraatia Eestis: õigussotsioloogilisi aspekte”, 2017
- Maria Murumaa-Mengel ”Managing Imagined Audiences Online: Audience Awareness as a Part of Social Media Literacies”, 2017
- Jan Richard Bærug ”The Collapsing Wall. Hybrid Journalism. A Comparative Study of Newspapers and Magazines in Eight Countries in Europe”, 2017
- Mai Beilmann ”Social Capital and Individualism–Collectivism at the Individual Level”, 2017
- Agnese Karaseva ”Teacher Professional Agency in Relation to Digital Technology Integration in Teaching in Estonian and Latvian Schools”, 2017
- Rainer Reile "Self-rated health: assessment, social variance and association with mortality", 2017
- Kadi Lubi "The role of information search and interpretation in living with chronic illness. The case of Estonian Parkinson’s disease patients", 2017
- Katri Lamesoo "Social Construction of Sexual Harassment in the Post-Soviet Context on the Example of Estonian Nurses”, 2017
- Andu Rämmer ”Sotsiaalse tunnetuse muutused Eesti siirdeühiskonna kontekstis”, 2018
- Kadri Rootalu "Antecedents and consequences of divorce in Estonia from longitudinal and multigenerational perspectives”, 2018
- Marju Himma-Kadakas "Skill performance of Estonian online journalists: assessment model for newsrooms and research", 2018
- Kairi Talves "The dynamics of gender representations in the context of Estonian social transformations", 2018
- Johannes Saar "Hegemooniadiskursused eesti kultuuris. Eesti Kunstimuuseumi pressikommunikatsioon 2006–2015", 2018
- Alessandro Nanì "Cross-Media in Public Service Broadcasting: The Struggle Between Producers and Audiences", 2018
- Signe Ivask "The role of routines, demands and resources in work stress among Estonian journalists", 2019
- Karmen Palts "Lastevanemate ja õpetajate vaheline kommunikatsioon Eesti esimese kooliastme näitel", 2019
- Dagmar Narusson "Personaalset taastumist ja agentsust toetav klienditöö vaimse tervise ja sotsiaalse rehabilitatsiooni valdkonnas: vaimse tervise raskustega inimeste ja spetsialistide perspektiivid", 2019
- Oliver Nahkur "Measurement of Interpersonal Destructiveness: the Societal Perspective", 2019
- Tiiu Männiste "Elukestev õpe ühiskonna pöördeaegadel", 2019
- Mari-Liisa Parder "Alkoholi tarvitamise ja olukorrapõhise hoidumise praktikate kommunikeerimine kui alkoholiennetuse baas Eesti teismeliste näitel”, 2020
- Marianne Leppik "The segmented integration and mediated transnationalism of Estonian Russian-speaking populations", 2020
- Olena Nedozhogina "Identity construction of Russian-speaking Ukrainians after 2013-2014”, 2021
- Tayfun Kasapoglu "Algorithmic Imaginaries of Syrian Refugees: Exploring Hierarchical Data Relations from the Perspective of Refugees", 2021
- Tiia-Triin Truusa "The entangled gap: the male Estonian citizen and the interconnections between civilian and military spheres in society", 2021
- Kristjan Kikerpill "Crime-as-communication: detecting diagnostically useful information from the content and context of social engineering attacks", 2021
- Taavi Laanepere "Looking at the military service readiness of Estonian reserve soldiers through the prism of Bourdieu’s theory of practice", 2021
- Maris Männiste "Big data imaginaries of data pioneers: changed data relations and challenges to agency", 2022
- Kristiina Saks "Laste elumaailma meediastumine", 2022
- Kadri Soo "School as a source of child subjective well-being in the framework of children’s rights: Perspectives of children and young adults", 2023
- Hans Hõrak „Development of a computer vision-based privacy-preserving automatic observation method for measuring physical activity in school”, 2023
- Heidi Ann Erbsen ”The making of ‘Imagined Global Communities’: the ‘orientation’ and ‘orientalization’ of Russian speaking
audiences”, 2023 - Marit Napp „The communicative construction of families: emerging trends in the age of deep mediatisation“, 2023
- Märt Masso "Employment relations in Estonia: employee control, participation and work accommodation in co-determining working conditions", 2024
- Viivika Eljand-Kärp „Tõhusad küsitlemispraktikad uudisintervjuudes. Ammendava teemakäsitluse saavutamine eksperdi- ja kogemusintervjuudes”, 2024
- Simone Eelmaa "The social categorization of sexual abuse“, 2024
- Kristi Paron "Child-patient autonomy: interplay between normativity and relationality“, 2024
- Janar Pekarev "Military AI and autonomous weapon systems: an interdisciplinary exploration of ethical, legal, and sociological aspects“, 2024
- Anna-Kati Pahker "Measuring industrial modernity in comparative perspective, 1900–2020“, 2024
- Usha Dahal "Health and well-being inequalities in industrially contaminated sites: The case of Ida-Viru County in Estonia", 2024
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