Seminar for Young Scholars: „Children in Multiple Crises“

The seminar for young scholars, „Children in Multiple Crises“, brings together young researchers (MA and PhD students, postdocs and other early-career researchers) studying child vulnerability in different contexts in Estonia and Germany. Throughout the three seminar days, young researchers from Estonia and Germany will present to each other their research varying from child autonomy in medical care and child sexual abuse to the COVID-19 effects on children’s wellbeing in schools. Furthermore, to provide a further impulse to discussions, internationally known and recognised childhood researchers Prof. Sabine Andresen and Prof. Dagmar Kutsar will give their input. Prof. Sabine Andresen will also give an open lecture, which is open not only to the students at the University of Tartu but also to professionals working with children in vulnerable life situations.
This seminar of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.



Official program


Sunday, 25.08.2024

15:00–16:30Networking meeting                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
16:30–17:00Break and a short tour of the Lossi 36 building
17:00–18:00Visit to the University of Tartu Museum
20:00–22:00 Dinner 

Monday 26.08.2024

09:00–09:10   Opening words by Dr Mai Beilmann (University of Tartu) and Ms Ieva Pranka (Baltic-German University Liaison Office)

Session I: Insights into Childhood Inequalities and Vulnerabilities

Chair: Prof Dr Dagmar Kutsar  

09:10–09:30Dr Kadri Soo “Challenges for Education System: Why is School Liking Among Estonian Children Falling?”
09:30–10:00 Dr Johanna Wilmes “Growing up with Social Inequality – Images of and Experiences from a Segregated Neighbourhood
10:00–10:30Dr Kristi Paron “Child-Patient Autonomy: Interplay between Normativity and Relationality”

Session II: Insights into Child Sexual Abuse 

Chair: Dr Judit Strömpl 

11:00–11:30Dr Hanin Mordi “Beyond the Shadows: Understanding Societal Responses to Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse”
11:30–12:00Merve Dilara Çelik “Zooming In and Out: Building Databases from (CSA) Survivor Stories – The Power of Seeing through Reading”
12:00–12:30Dr Simone Eelmaa “The Social Categorization of Sexual Abuse”
14:15–15:45Public lecture by Prof Dr Sabine Andresen “Lessons from Survivors’ Reports About Child Sexual Abuse. The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany“
16:15–18:00Workgroup meeting 
18:00–19:00Guided tour in Tartu

Tuesday 27.08.2024


Session III: Insights into Childhood Vulnerability and War

Chair: Dr Mai Beilmann 

09:00–09:30Dr Oliver Nahkur “Theoretical Framework of Children's Vulnerability and Resilience and the International Index of Children's Subjective Vulnerability-Resilience”
09:30–10:00 Johanna Christ “Objectification of Dispatched Children – A Recurring Phenomenon
10:00–10:30Tatjana DietzChildren’s Drawings about War and Flight – An Explorative Childhood Research”
11:00–12:30Workgroup meeting 