Avalik loeng „Social Innovation and the Art of Practice-based Research“


4. aprillil kell 16.15-17.45 annab professor Jean Pierre Wilken ingliskeelse avaliku loengu „Social Innovation and the Art of Practice-based Research”. Loeng toimub Lossi 36 õppehoone ruumis 215 ja Zoomis.

Siin on loengu ingliskeelne kirjeldus.

Social innovation has become a much-discussed buzzword in recent decades. The term breathes progress and promising improvements, but often remains at a rather programmatic level without providing concrete indications about how social innovation can take place, or what the actual meaning is for people and communities. In this lecture, Jean Pierre Wilken will describe how practice-based research can contribute to real social innovation in the field of social and health services. He will provide examples of local multi-stakeholder innovation projects using action and design research methods.

Jean Pierre Wilken is Professor of Social Innovation at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, visiting professor at Tartu University (Community Development and Well-being) and at the Catholic University of Milan (Relational Social Work). At Utrecht University he is leading a research group that develops innovations in the field of health care and community care, with a focus on social inclusion of people in vulnerable positions.

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