
Avalik loeng „When $#!% Hits the Fan: Communicating Effectively During Crises“

27. novembril kell 16.15-17.45 annab Riia Stradiņši Ülikooli meedia ja kommunikatsiooni õppekava õppejõud Lāsma Šķestere ingliskeelse avaliku loengu „When $#!% Hits the Fan: Communicating Effectively During Crises”. Loeng toimub ruumis 205 ja Zoomis.

Siin on loengu ingliskeelne kirjeldus.

In "When $#!% Hits the Fan: Communicating Effectively During Crises" we dive into the wild world of crisis communication, where one wrong move can sink your reputation faster than a tweet goes viral. But fear not! A well-timed, clear, and cool-headed response can not only save the day but sometimes even make you look like a hero. We’ll break down the must-know strategies for navigating chaos, from handling media frenzy to keeping stakeholders in the loop, all while staying calm under fire. Expect real-world examples of epic wins and fails to show you exactly how to handle - or avoid - a PR disaster.

Mg.soc.comm. Lāsma Šķestere is a researcher and lecturer in Communication and Media at Riga Stradiņš University. As Head of the Programme Group, she oversees various bachelor's and master's degree programmes in the field.

Specialising in crisis communication, Lāsma Šķestere offers valuable hands-on experience through engaging crisis communication simulations. These exercises prepare students and professionals for real-world challenges in high-pressure situations. With a background in Political Science and Communication Studies, Šķestere brings a unique blend of academic insight and practical experience from her roles in government communication. Her research focuses on media agenda-setting and communication patterns between media and politicians.

Through her teaching, research, and real-world simulations, Lāsma Šķestere continues to shape the next generation of communication professionals, equipping them with essential skills for today's complex media landscape.

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