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Soo, Kadri; Nahkur, Oliver (2024). Subjective Well-Being and Vulnerability of Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: Kutsar, Dagmar; Beilmann, Mai; Nahkur, Oliver (Ed.). Child Vulnerability and Vulnerable Subjectivity from Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives. (193−214). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-61333-3_11.2024
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Jansová, Iveta; Kõuts-Klemm, Ragne; Raycheva, Lilia; Čábyová, Ľudmila; Hudíková, Zora; Pravdová, Hana; Velinova, Neli (2024). Media audiences practices. In: Peruško, Zrinjka; Lauk, Epp; Harro-Loit, Halliki (Ed.). European Media Systems for Deliberative Communication. (82−97). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003476597-6.2024
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Jonsson, Emma; Salo, Mikael; Lillemäe, Eleri; Steder, Frank Bruntland; Ferst, Thomas; Kasearu, Kairi; Novagrockiene, Jurate; Österberg, Johan; Sederholm, Teija; Svensén, Sofia; Szvircsev Tresch, Tibor; Truusa, Tiia-Triin (2024). Multifaceted Conscription: A Comparative Study of Six European Countries. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, 7 (1), 19−33. DOI: 10.31374/sjms.166.2024
Torpan, Sten; Hansson, Sten; Orru, Kati; Jukarainen, Pirjo; Gabel, Friedrich; Savadori, Lucia; Meyer, Sunniva F.; Schieffelers, Abriel; Lovasz, Gabriella; Rhinard, Mark (2024). Mitigating vulnerabilities with social media: A cross‐national study of European disaster managers#39; practices. Risk, Hazards amp; Crisis in Public Policy. DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12286.2024
Kikerpill, K. (2024). Scanning for Scams: Local, Supra-national, and Global Events as Salient Contexts for Online Fraud. In: Digital Literacy and Inclusion. (47−60). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-30808-6_4.2024
Kõuts-Klemm, Ragne; Eberwein, Tobias; Peruško, Zrinjka; Vozab, Dina; Rožukalne, Anda; Skulte, Ilva; Stakle, Alnis (2024). Media and Journalism Research in Small European Countries. Media and Communication, 12. DOI: 10.17645/mac.7205.2024
Mazzocchi, Paolo; Agahi, Omeed; Beilmann, Mai; Bettencourt, Leonor; Brazienė, Rūta; Edisherashvili, Natalia; Keranova, Dilyana; Marta, Elena; Milenkova, Valentina; O’Higgins, Niall; Pizzolante, Federica; Prieto‐Flores, Òscar; Rocca, Antonella; Borges Rodrigues, Ricardo; Rosa, Miriam; Simões, Francisco; Yurukov, Borislav (2024). Subjective Well‐Being of NEETs and Employability: A Study of Non‐Urban Youths in Spain, Italy, and Portugal. Politics and Governance, 12, 7415. DOI: 10.17645/pag.7415.2024
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Pahker, Anna-Kati; Keller, Margit; Karo, Erkki; Vihalemm, Triin; Solvak, Mihkel; Orru, Kati; Tammiksaar, Erki; Ukrainski, Kadri; Noorkõiv, Martin (2024). What#39;s worse, communism or carbon? Using the Transitions Delphi approach to identify viable interventions for the Estonian energy transition. Energy Research amp; Social Science, 109, 103421. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2024.103421.2024
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Machackova, Hana; Bedrosova, Marie Jaron; Muzik, Michal; Zlamal, Rostislav; Fikrlova, Jana; Literova, Anna; Dufkova, Eliska; Smahel, David; Boomgaarden, Hajo; Song, Hyunjin; Tolochko, Petro; d#39;Haenens, Leen; Joris, Willem; Kalmus, Veronika; Tikerperi, Mari-Liis; Opermann, Signe; Napp, Marit; Soidla, Indrek; Uibos, Andre; Soo, Kadri ... Helsper, Ellen Johanna (2024). Digital skills among youth: A dataset from a three-wave longitudinal survey in six European countries. Data in Brief, 54 (110396). DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110396.2024
Strömpl, Judit (2024). CH_10_Life Story Work – a Good Method to Reduce Child Vulnerability in Substitute Care. In: Kutsar, D.; Beilmann, M.; Nahkur, O. (Ed.). Child Vulnerability and Vulnerable Subjectivity: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives. (xx−xx). Springer [ilmumas].2024
Torpan, S.; Hansson, S.; Orru, K.; Rhinard, M.; Savadori, L.; Jukarainen, P.; Nævestad, T-O.; Frislid Meyer, S.; Schieffelers, A.; Lovasz, G. (2024). European emergency managers on social media: institutional arrangements and guidelines. International Journal of Emergency Services, 13 ( 1), 5−16. DOI: 10.1108/IJES-08-2022-0041.2024
Nahkur, Oliver (2024). Conceptual Framework for Understanding Child Vulnerability. In: Kutsar, Dagmar; Beilmann, Mai; Nahkur, Oliver (Ed.). Child Vulnerability and Vulnerable Subjectivity from Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives. (x−xx). Springer [ilmumas].2024
Hansson, Sten (2024). Blame avoidance and critical language awareness: An approach from critical discourse studies. In: The Politics and Governance of Blame Oxford University Press [ilmumas].2024
Ivask, Signe (2024). Safety, reactions, and organizational support: Estonian journalists#39; experiences with hostility. In: Global Journalism in Comparative Perspective. (1−13). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003327639.2024
Torpan, S.; Hansson, S.; Orru, K.; Jukarainen, P.; Gabel, F.; Savadori, L.; Meyer, S.F.; Schieffelers, A.; Lovasz, G.; Rhinard, M. (2024). Mitigating vulnerabilities with social media: A cross-national study of European disaster managers#39; practices. Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy. DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12286.2024
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Page, Ruth; Hansson, Sten (2024). Dialogic analysis of government social media communication: How commanding and thanking elicit blame. Discourse Context amp; Media, 57, 100757. DOI: 10.1016/j.dcm.2024.100757.2024
Ainsaar, M.; Maasing, H.; Kovaljov, A.; Nahkur, O. (2024). Regional Disparities of Immigration-Related Conflict Risks: The Case of Estonia. In: Klimczuk, A.; Dovie. D. (Ed.). Bridging Social Inequality Gaps - Concepts, Theories, Methods, and Tools IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004710.2024
Pahker, Anna-Kati; Kanger, Laur; Tinits, Peeter (2024). Where is the deep sustainability turn most likely to emerge? An Industrial Modernity Index. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 201, 123227. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123227.2024
Figueiras, Rita; Bolin, Göran; Kalmus, Veronika (2024). Toward a Datafied Mindset: Conceptualizing Digital Dynamics and Analogue Resilience. Social Media + Society, 10 (2). DOI: 10.1177/20563051241254369.2024
Rocca, Antonella; Agahi, Omeed; Beilmann, Mai; Bettencourt, Leonor; Edisherashvili, Natalia; Marta, Elena; Mazzocchi, Paolo; O’Higgins, Niall; Pizzolante, Federica; Prieto‐Flores, Òscar; Borges Rodrigues, Ricardo; Rosa, Miriam; Simões, Francisco (2024). NEETs and Youth Guarantee Registration: Examining the Link to Past Undeclared Work. Politics and Governance, 12, 7405. DOI: 10.17645/pag.7405.2024
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Nero, Kristi; Orru, Kati; Naevestad, Tor-Olav; Olson, Alexandra; Airola, Merja; Savadori, Lucia; Kazemekaityte, Austeja; Lovasz, Gabriella; Kajganovic, Jelena (2023). Mechanisms behind COVID-19 scepticism among socially marginalised individuals in Europe. Journal of Risk Research, 26 (6), 675−696. DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2023.2208119.2023
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Ainsaar, Mare (2023). Life Satisfaction of Immigrants and Length of Stay in the New Country. Social Sciences, 12 (12), 655. DOI: 10.3390/socsci12120655.2023
Bolin, Göran; Kalmus, Veronika; Figueiras, Rita (2023). Conducting Online Focus Group Interviews With Two Generations: Methodological Experiences and Reflections From the Pandemic Context. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22, 1−8. DOI: 10.1177/16094069231182029.2023
Berglund, C.; Kasearu, K.; Kivirähk, J. (2023). Fighting for the (Step)Motherland?: Predictors of Defense Willingness in Estonia’s Post-Soviet Generation. Journal of Political amp; Military Sociology, 49 (2), 146−169. DOI: 10.5744/jpms.2022.2002.2023
Kikerpill, K. (2023). The crime-as-communication approach: Challenging the idea of online routine activities by taking communication seriously. Journal of Economic Criminology, 2, 100035. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeconc.2023.100035.2023
Murumaa-Mengel, M.; Lott, K. (2023). ‘Recreational shaming groups of Facebook: Content, rules and modministrators’ perspectives’. Convergence The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 29 (4), 944−961. DOI: 10.1177/13548565231176184.2023
Lillemäe, Eleri; Kasearu, Kairi; Ben-Ari, Eyal (2023). Making military conscription count? Converting competencies between the civilian and military spheres in a neo-liberal Estonia. Current Sociology. DOI: 10.1177/00113921231159433.2023
Beilmann, Mai; Opermann, Signe; Kalmus, Veronika; Vissenberg, Joyce; Pedaste, Margus (2023). The Role of School-Home Communication in Supporting the Development of Children’s and Adolescents’ Digital Skills, and the Changes Brought by Covid-19. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15 (1), 1−13. DOI: 10.23860/JMLE-2023-15-1-1.2023
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Kikerpill, K.; Siibak, A. (2023). App-hazard disruption: An empirical investigation of media discourses on ChatGPT in educational contexts. Computers in the Schools, 40 (4), 334−355. DOI: 10.1080/07380569.2023.2244941.2023
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Olsson, M.; Van Grootel, S.; Block, K.; Schuster, C.; Meeussen, L.; Van Laar, C.; Schmader, T.; Croft, A.; Sun, MS.; Ainsaar, M., Aarntzen, L.; Adamus, M.; Anderson, J.; Atkinson, C.; Avicenna, M.; Bąbel, P.; Barth, M.; Benson‐Greenwald, TM.; Maloku, E.; Berent, J.; Bergsieker, HB. ... Martiny, SE. (2023). Gender Gap in Parental Leave Intentions: Evidence from 37 Countries. Political Psychology, 44 (6). DOI: 10.1111/pops.12880.2023
Kikerpill, K.; Kõuts-Klemm, R. (2023). Fake Vaccine Certificates as Tickets to Deviant Freedom and Certainty: A Critical Analysis of Media Discourses. Critical Criminology, 31 (2), 379−398. DOI: 10.1007/s10612-023-09703-x.2023
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Kasearu, K., Tooding L.-M. (2023). Satisfaction with service and self-estimated physical fitness of conscripts. Sõjateadlane (Estonian Journal of Military Studies), 22, 123−146.2023
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Paabort, Heidi; Flynn, Paul; Beilmann, Mai; Petrescu, Claudia (2023). Policy Responses to Real World Challenges Associated with NEET Youth: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 5. DOI: 10.3389/frsc.2023.1154464.2023
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Reckien, Diana; Buzasi, Attila; Olazabal, Marta; Spyridaki, Niki-Artemis; Eckersley, Peter; Simoes, Sofia G.; Salvia, Monica; Pietrapertosa, Filomena; Fokaides, Paris; Goonesekera, Sascha M.; Tardieu, Lea; Balzan, Mario V.; de Boer, Cheryl L.; De Gregorio Hurtado, Sonia; Feliu, Efren; Flamos, Alexandros; Foley, Aoife; Geneletti, Davide; Grafakos, Stelios; Heidrich, Oliver ... Wejs, Anja (2023). Quality of urban climate adaptation plans over time. npj Urban Sustainability, 3 (1), ARTN 13. DOI: 10.1038/s42949-023-00085-1.2023
Himma-Kadakas, M.; Kõuts-Klemm, R. (2023). Developing an Advanced Digital Society: An Estonian Case Study. In: Societies and Political Orders in Transition. (109−133). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32507-6_6.2023
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Torpan, S.; Hansson, S.; Orru, K.; Rhinard, M.; Savadori, L.; Jukarainen, P.; Nævestad, T.O.; Meyer, S.F.; Schieffelers, A.; Lovasz, G. (2023). European emergency managers on social media: institutional arrangements and guidelines. International Journal of Emergency Services. DOI: 10.1108/IJES-08-2022-0041.2023
Meitern, Martin; Hansson, Sten (2023). Persuasive Appeals in Genetic Biobank Recruitment Campaigns: Social and Ethical Implications. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 18 (4), 284−295. DOI: 10.1177/15562646231181028.2023
Nero, K.; Orru, K.; Nævestad, T.O.; Olson, A.; Schobert, M.; Windsheimer, P.; Keränen, J.; Jukarainen, P.; Kajganovic, J. (2023). Care organisations role as intermediaries between the authorities and the marginalised in crisis management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 86. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103516.2023
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Kikerpill, K.; Siibak, A. (2023). AI in Schools and Universities: Mapping Central Debates Through Enthusiasms and Concerns. In: Research Handbook on AI and Communication. (94−107). Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI: 10.4337/9781803920306.00014.2023
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Claudia Mellado, Nicole Blanchett, Agnieszka Stępińska, Cornelia Mothes, Sophie Lecheler, David Blanco-Herrero, Yi-Ning Katherine Chen, Akiba A. Cohen, Sergey Davydov, Mariana De Maio, Filip Dingerkus, Hassam Elhamy, Miguel Garcés-Prettel, Cyriac Gousset, Daniel C. Hallin, María Luisa Humanes, Marju Himma-Kadakas, Claudia Kozman, Misook Lee, Christi I-Hsuan Lin, Mireya Márquez-Ramírez, Jorge Maza-Córdova, Kieran McGuinness, Karen McIntyre, Jacques Mick, Ana Milojevic, Cristina Navarro, Dasniel Olivera, Macerla Pizarro, Gonzalo Sarasqueta, Henry Silke, Terje Skjerdal, Anna Stanziano, Gabriella Szabó, Sarah VanLeuven amp; Xin Zhao (2023). Does News Platform Matter? Comparing Online Journalistic Role Performance to Newspaper, Radio, and Television. Digital Journalism, .−. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2023.2191332.2023
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Bălțătescu, Sergiu; Strózik, Tomasz; Soo, Kadri; Kutsar, Dagmar; Strózik, Dorota; Bacter, Claudia (2023). Subjective Well-being of Children Left Behind by Migrant Parents in Six European Countries. Child Indicators Research, 16 (5). DOI: 10.1007/s12187-023-10054-w.2023
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Orru, K.; Nævestad, T.O.; Siimsen, I.; de Los Rios Pérez, D.A.; Egner, L.E. (2023). Less is more? Why do we find less severe mental and material impact of COVID-19 among the most marginalised and homeless in countries with lower welfare spending? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 97. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.104034.2023
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Schobert, Maira; Orru, Kati; Gabel, Friedrich; Nero, Kristi; Windsheimer, Peter; Klaos, Margo; Naevestad, Tor-Olav (2023). The three A#39;s of social capital in crises: Challenges with the availability, accessibility and activatability of social support. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 92, ARTN 103704. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103704.2023
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Mellado, Claudia; Marquez-Ramirez, Mireya; Van Leuven, Sarah; Jackson, Daniel; Mothes, Cornelia; Arcila-Calderon, Carlos; Berthaut, Jerome; Blanchett, Nicole; Boudana, Sandrine; Chen, Katherine Y. N.; Davydov, Sergey; De Maio, Mariana; Fahmy, Nagwa; Ferrero, Martina; Garces, Miguel; Hagen, Lutz; Hallin, Daniel C.; Humanes, Maria Luisa; Himma-Kadakas, Marju; Keel, Guido ... Aguilar, Diana Viveros (2023). Comparing Journalistic Role Performance Across Thematic Beats: A 37-Country Study. Journalism amp; Mass Communication Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/10776990231173890.2023
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Tenor, Carina; Himma-Kadakas, Marju (2023). Voiceless Youth – Reasons (Not) to Involve Minors in News Coverage. Journalism Practice, 18 (1), 1−21. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2023.2206810.2023
Kanger, Laur; Tinits, Peeter; Pahker, Anna-Kati; Orru, Kati; Velmet, Aro; Sillak, Silver; Šeļa, Artjoms; Mertelsmann, Olaf; Tammiksaar, Erki; Vaik, Kristiina; Penna, Caetano C.R.; Tiwari, Amaresh Kumar; Lauk, Kalmer (2023). Long-term country-level evidence of major but uneven ruptures in the landscape of industrial modernity. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 48. DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2023.100765.2023
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Olson, Alexandra; Naevestad, Tor-Olav; Orru, Kati; Nero, Kristi; Schieffelers, Abriel; Meyer, Sunniva Frislid (2023). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on socially marginalised women: Material and mental health outcomes. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 93, ARTN 103739. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103739.2023
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Kanger, Laur; Tinits, Peeter; Pahker, Anna-Kati; Orru, Kati; Tiwari, Amaresh Kumar; Sillak, Silver; Šeļa, Artjoms; Vaik, Kristiina (2022). Deep Transitions: Towards a comprehensive framework for mapping major continuities and ruptures in industrial modernity. Global Environmental Change, 72, 102447. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102447.2022
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Siibak, A., Kask, P.H. (2022). Teacher-student interactions and teacher self-disclosure on social media: Estonian students’ perceptions and experiences. Mediální studia / Media Studies, 16 (1), 46−64.2022
Kremez, Mihhail (2022). Dividing and Uniting News Frames: Framing Russia-related Border Issues in the Estonian, Latvian, Finnish, US Public Service Media and Chinese State Media. Mediální studia / Media Studies, 16 (2), 170−195.2022
Kanger, Laur (2022). The spatial dynamics of deep transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 44, 145−162. DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2022.06.005.2022
Hansson, Sten; Page, Ruth; Fuoli, Matteo (2022). Discursive strategies of blaming: The language of judgment and political protest online. Social Media + Society, 8 (4), 1−14. DOI: 10.1177/20563051221138753.2022
Uibu, Marko; Kalma, Maarja; Mägi, Katrin; Kull, Merike (2022). Physical Activity in the Classroom: Schoolchildren’s Perceptions of Existing Practices and New Opportunities. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 66 (7), 1−18. DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2021.1958376.2022
Murumaa-Mengel, Maria; Muuli Liisi Maria (2021). Misogynist content exposé pages on Instagram: Five types of shamings, moderators and audience members. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 18 (2), 100−123.2021
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Lillemäe, Eleri; Kasearu, Kairi; Ben-Ari, Eyal (2021). Conscription in a Changing Society. EMA Occasional Papers, 12, 23−29.2021
Torpan, Sten; Hansson, Sten; Rhinard, Mark; Kazemekaityte, Austeja; Jukarainen, Pirjo; Meyer, Sunniva Frislid; Schieffelers, Abriel; Lovasz, Gabriella; Orru, Kati (2021). Handling false information in emergency management: A cross-national comparative study of European practices. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 57, 102151. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102151.2021
Aidukaite, J.; Hort, S.; Ainsaar. M. (2021). Ageing and the Welfare State Welfare policies and Attitudes in the Baltic and Nordic countries. In: Aidukaite, A., Hort, S., Kuhnle. S. (Ed.). Challenges to the welfare state: family and pension policies in the Baltic and Nordic countries. (138−160). Edward Elgar. (New Horizons in Social Policy). DOI: <a href='' target='_blank'>10.4337/9781839106118.00016</a>.2021
Schneider, Simone; Roots, Ave; Rathmann, Katharina (2021). Health Outcomes and Health Inequalities. In: Ellen Immergut, Karen Anderson, Camilla Devitt, and Tamara Popic (Ed.). Health Politics in Europe: A Handbook. (32−48). OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. DOI: <a href='' target='_blank'>10.1093/oso/9780198860525.003.0002</a>.2021
Kikerpill, K.; Siibak, A. (2021). Abusing the COVID-19 Pan(dem)ic: A Perfect Storm for Online Scams. In: Pollock, J. C.; Kovach, D. (Ed.). COVID-19 in International Media: Global Pandemic Perspectives. (249−258). New York: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003181705-25.2021
Hansson, Sten; Orru, Kati; Torpan, Sten; Bäck, Asta; Kazemekaityte, Austeja; Meyer, Sunniva Frislid; Ludvigsen, Johanna; Savadori, Lucia; Galvagni, Alessandro; Pigrée, Ala (2021). COVID-19 information disorder: six types of harmful information during the pandemic in Europe. Journal of Risk Research, 24 (3-4), 380−393 . DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2020.1871058.2021
Siibak, A., Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P., Kunelius,R.,Heinderyckx, F. amp; Tomanić Trivundža, I. (2021). Introduction to special issue. Mediální studia / Media Studies, 2, 62−67.2021
Salvia, Monica; Reckien, Diana; Pietrapertosa, Filomena; Eckersley, Peter; Spyridaki, Niki-Artemis; Krook-Riekkola, Anna; Olazabal, Marta; De Gregorio Hurtado, Sonia; Simoes, Sofia G.; Geneletti, Davide; Viguié, Vincent; Fokaides, Paris A.; Ioannou, Byron I.; Flamos, Alexandros; Csete, Maria Szalmane; Buzasi, Attila; Orru, Hans; de Boer, Cheryl; Foley, Aoife; Rižnar, Klavdija ... Heidrich, Oliver (2021). Will climate mitigation ambitions lead to carbon neutrality? An analysis of the local-level plans of 327 cities in the EU. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 135, 110253. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110253.2021
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Enchikova, Ekaterina; Neves, Tiago; Beilmann, Mai; Banaji, Shakuntala; Pavlopoulos, Vassilis; Ferreira, Pedro D. (2021). Active Citizenship: Participatory Patterns of European Youth. Journal of Social Science Education, 20 (1), 4−29. DOI: 10.4119/jsse-3146.2021
Stoecklin, Daniel; Gervais, Christine; Kutsar, Dagmar; Heite, Catrin (2021). Lockdown and Children’s Well-Being: Experiences of Children in Switzerland, Canada and Estonia. Childhood Vulnerability Journal, 3 (1-3), 41−59. DOI: 10.1007/s41255-021-00015-2.2021
Azfar, Hossain Syed; Dzhusupov, Kenesh O.; Orru, Hans; Nordin, Steven; Nordin, Maria; Orru, Kati (2021). Cardiovascular Disease and Mental Distress Among Ethnic Groups in Kyrgyzstan. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, ARTN 489092. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.489092.2021
Ventsel, Andreas; Madisson, Mari-Liis; Hansson, Sten (2021). 5G-teemalised süünarratiivid Venemaa strateegilises kommunikatsioonis: RT, Sputniku, Pervõi Kanali, NTV, ITAR-TASS meediakajastuse võrdlev analüüs“. Sõjateadlane (Estonian Journal of Military Studies), 17, 159−194.2021
Kremez, Mihhail; Kõuts-Klemm, Ragne (2021). Framing Russia in the Estonian, German, and Bulgarian Online Media: Coverage of Two Concrete Events. Theoretical and Practical Issues of Journalism, 10 (1), 109−129. DOI: 10.17150/2308-6203.2021.10(1).109-129.2021
Beilmann, Mai; Lilleoja, Laur; Realo, Anu (2021). Learning to Trust: Trends in Generalized Social Trust in the Three Baltic Countries from 1990 to 2018. In: Almakaeva, Anna; Moreno, Alejandro; Wilkes, Rima (Ed.). Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being. Insights from Cross-Cultural Studies. (19−43). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-75813-4_2.2021
Puhke, Raivo; Pehme, Ando; Rand, Taavi; Lehes, Lisanna; Lillemäe, Eleri (2021). Kaitseväelaste ülesannetest lähtuv kehalise aktiivsuse analüüs. EMA Occasional Papers, 12, 30−34.2021
Kutsar, Dagmar; Nahkur, Oliver (2021). Subjective well-being of children in the context of family change in Estonia, Poland and Romania. In: Castrén, A.-M., Cesnuityte, V., Crespi, I., Gauthier, J.-A., Gouveia, R., Martin, C., Moreno Mínguez, A., Suwada, K. (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe. (399−414). Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-73306-3_20.2021
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Uibu, Marko; Koppel, Katre (2021). Beyond Medical Pluralism. Communicative Positioning of Biomedicine and CAM in Estonia. European Journal of Health Communication, 2 (3), 85−109. DOI: 10.47368/ejhc.2021.305.2021
Sukk, M.; Siibak, A. (2021). Caring dataveillance and the construction of quot;good parentingquot;: reflections of Estonian parents and pre-teens. Communications, 46 (3), 446−467. DOI: 10.1515/commun-2021-0045.2021
Uibu,M. (2021). “Doctors just don’t care about people!” How medical specialists are depicted in a vaccine-critical Estonian Facebook group. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 82, 215−238. DOI: 10.7592/FEJF2021.82.uibu.2021
Kalmus, Veronika (2021). “Jobs that Really Matter”: Critical Reflections on Changes in Academic Life during/after the Covid-19 Pandemic. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism amp; Critique, 19 (1), 255−261. DOI: 10.31269/triplec.v19i1.1255.2021
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Ventsel, Andreas; Hansson, Sten; Madisson, Mari-Liis; Sazonov, Vladimir (2021). Discourse of fear in strategic narratives: The case of Russia’s Zapad war games. Media War amp; Conflict, 14/1, 21−39. DOI: 10.1177/1750635219856552.2021
Riives, Armas; Murumaa-Mengel, Maria; Ivask, Signe (2021). Estonian Male Journalists’ Experiences with Abusive Online Communication. Sociální studia / Social Studies, 18 (2), 31−47. DOI: <a href='' target='_blank'>10.5817/SOC2021-2-31</a>.2021
Kikerpill, K.; Siibak, A. (2021). Mazephishing: the COVID-19 pandemic as credible social context for social engineering attacks. Trames Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 25 (4), 371−393. DOI: 10.3176/tr.2021.4.01.2021
Kalmus, Veronika; O#39;Neill, Brian (2021). Through mature and yet fresh eyes: Researching emerging issues in the field of children and media. Communications, 46 (3), 327−331. DOI: 10.1515/commun-2021-2050.2021
Klaassen, Maia (2021). Eesti ja NATO küberkaitsevõime narratiivne konstrueerimine Eesti ajakirjandusväljaannetes. Sõjateadlane (Estonian Journal of Military Studies), 17 (XI), 195−229.2021
Kikerpill, Kristjan; Siibak, Andra; Valli, Suido (2021). Dealing with Deepfakes: Reddit, Online Content Moderation, and Situational Crime Prevention. In: Julie B. Wiest (Ed.). Theorizing Criminality and Policing in the Digital Media Age. (25−45). Emerald Insight. (Emerald Studies in Media and Communications; 22). DOI: 10.1108/S2050-206020210000020008.2021
Pedaste, Margus; Kalmus, Veronika; Vainonen, Katariina (2021). Digipädevuse dimensioonid ja nende hindamine põhikoolis. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri = Estonian Journal of Education, 9 (2), 212−243. DOI: 10.12697/eha.2021.
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Ainsaar, M., Sõukand, M. (2021). Cost of Child-Care: Evolution of Regional Diversity in Estonia. In: Aidukaite, A., Hort, S., Kuhnle. S. (Ed.). Challenges to the welfare state: family and pension policies in the Baltic and Nordic countries. (120−137). Edward Elgar. (New Horizons in Social Policy). DOI: <a href='' target='_blank'>10.4337/9781839106118.00014</a>.2021
Silm, Siiri; Mooses, Veronika; Puura, Anniki; Masso, Anu; Tominga, Ago; Saluveer, Erki (2021). The Relationship between Ethno-Linguistic Composition of Social Networks and Activity Space: A Study Using Mobile Phone Data. Social Inclusion, 9 (2), 192−207. DOI: 10.17645/si.v9i2.3839.2021
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Ainsaar, Mare; Roots, Ave; Kõre, Jüri (2021). Estonia. In: Ellen Immergut, Karen Anderson, Camilla Devitt, and Tamara Popic (Ed.). Health Politics in Europe: A Handbook. (401−433). OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. DOI: <a href='' target='_blank'>10.1093/oso/9780198860525.003.0019</a>.2021
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Uibu,M. (2021). Spiritual milieu in Estonia – challenge and opportunity for studying contemporary forms of religion. In: Riho Altnurme (Ed.). Old religion, new spirituality: implications of secularization and individualization in Estonia. (118−130). Leiden: Brill. DOI: 10.1163/9789004461178_009.2021
Kutsar, Dagmar; Kurvet-Käosaar, Leena (2021). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Families: Young People’s Experiences in Estonia. Frontiers in Sociology, 6, 732984. DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2021.732984.2021
Luhamaa, Katre; Strömpl, Judit (2021). Overcoming the Soviet legacy? Adoption from care in Estonia. In: Tarja Pösö, Marit Skivenes, June Thoburn (Ed.). Adoption from Care. International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention. (33−48). Policy Press. DOI: 10.51952/9781447351054.ch0032021
Toivonen, Virve; Muhonen, Jatta; Kalliomaa-Puha, Laura; Luhamaa, Katre; Strömpl, Judit (2021). Child Participation in Estonian and Finnish Child Welfare Removals – Professionals’ Perceptions and Practices. The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 29 (3), 701−730. DOI: 10.1163/15718182-290300092021
Burns, Kenneth; Helland, Hege Stein; Križ, Katrin; Sánchez-Cabezudo, Sagrario Segado; Skivenes, Marit; Strömpl, Judit (2021). Corporal punishment and reporting to child protection authorities: An empirical study of population attitudes in five European countries. Children and Youth Services Review, 120, 105749. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105749.2021
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Mooses, Kerli; Vihalemm, Triin; Uibu, Marko; Mägi, Katrin; Korp, Leene; Kalma, Maarja; Mäestu, Evelin; Kull, Merike (2021). Developing a comprehensive school-based physical activity program with flexible design – from pilot to national program. BMC Public Health, 21, 92. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-10111-x.2021
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Kanger, Laur (2021). Rethinking the Multi-level Perspective for energy transitions: From regime life-cycle to explanatory typology of transition pathways. Energy Research amp; Social Science, 71, 101829. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101829.2021
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Ceballos Rodríguez, G. A.; Ainsaar, M. (2021). Multilingual families and their position in European societies. Človek a spoločnosť, 24 (4), 55−75. DOI: <a href='' target='_blank'>10.51377/cas.2021.04.596</a>.2021
Kanger, Laur; Schot, Johan; Sovacool, Benjamin K.; van der Vleuten, Erik; Ghosh, Bipashyee; Keller, Margit; Kivimaa, Paula; Pahker, Anna-Kati; Steinmueller, W. Edward (2021). Research frontiers for multi-system dynamics and deep transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2021.10.025.2021
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Masso, Anu; Lauristin, Marju; Opermann, Signe; Kalmus, Veronika (2020). Applying the morphogenetic perspective for the analysis of Estonian social transformations. In: Kalmus, Veronika; Lauristin, Marju; Opermann, Signe; Vihalemm, Triin (Ed.). Researching Estonian transformation: Morphogenetic reflections. (1−31). Tartu: University of Tartu Press.2020
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