Eesti Teadusagentuuri tellitud värskest uuringust „Eesti teadusbaromeeter“ selgus, et Eesti elanike usaldus teaduse ja teadlaste vastu püsib sarnaselt nelja aasta taguse ajaga üsna suur, küündides üle 70%.
On 4 April from 16:15 to 17:45, Jean Pierre Wilken, Professor of Social Innovation at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, will give a public lecture entitled “Social Innovation and the Art of Practice-based Research” in the study building at Lossi 36, room 215.
On 14 February, from 12:15 to 13:45, Victor Wiard, a Postdoctoral Researcher in media and communication studies, will give a public lecture „Taking the audience seriously: a qualitative perspective on info-democratic disorders and the reception of disinformation”, in Room 206 at Lossi 36.
Märt Masso kaitseb doktoritööd „Employment relations in Estonia: employee control, participation and work accommodation in co-determining working conditions“.